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Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival: Re-Generations

  • St. Hugo of the Hills (map)

James Tocco, Leila Josefowicz, Philip Setzer, Lawrence Power, Paul Watkins, Blackbird Creative Lab (~Nois, Juxtatonal and The Furies), Eighth Blackbird, Ivalas Quartet, Thalea String Quartet

Eighth Blackbird returns for a performance of all things contemporary featuring works by Stone Composer-in-Residence Sarah Kirkland Snider, Annika Kale Socolofsky and Viet Cuong. Plus, witness a Festival showstopper as Leila Josefowicz, Philip Setzer, Lawrence Power, Paul Watkins and members from the Thalea String Quartet and Eighth Blackbird combine for a cross-generational performance of Shostakovich’s Two Pieces for String Octet.